Morgan Donato Camp Simcha
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Morgan Donato

My Blog

Let them eat brisket…



So it’s Thanksgiving…and not for nothing, but really not a lover of this holiday – or ever will be again – since this time 2-years ago we were here.  Today was a GREAT DAY.  Morgan is bored out of her mind, but being her usual trooper self.

Our biggest concern over the last couple of days has been Morgan’s appetite.  She has lost quite a bit, and needs her strength to kick the crap out of this disease.  Today we seem to have turned a corner, and her appetite is slowly returning.  This morning started with Rice Krispies, then she had a hankering for a Sicilian goat cheese from DiBruno Bros.  but they’re closed on Thanksgiving.  McDonald’s hashbrown and sausage patty it was at 7am.

Morgan had a visit from her Teacher, which was a huge smile booster.  However, yesterday she received an amazing gift from her adopted family (you know who you are) that FEDEX’d  a gift that will keep her entertained during our “stay.”…hello ipad!

My brother and his family, along with my parents came bearing a feast made for more than the amount of people we actually were!  My brother also brought brisket….which is what Morgan chowed down on!!  Overall, a great day in a place none of us wanted to be, but doing what we have to do to get this crap out of her system for good!  Spoke with the doctors this morning who asked if I had any questions…my only question was, “Are her counts where you hope to see them?”…with a doctor’s smile (cause they don’t give you the huge one till you’re cancer free), he said the counts are absolutely where they hoped them to be right now!  One day at a time, good news for today.

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