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My Blog

Don’t be rash…


So, taking it one day at a time.  What is called GVHD (graft versus host disease) has struck on Morgan’s skin, in the form of a very nasty rash.  We want some GVHD, because, well, something about it meaning that her body knows that something foreign has entered her body and is fighting it (hence the rash), which further means that if leukemia tried to rear its ugly head again, her body would therefore recognize it now as foreign too and kick its @**…butt (kids read this too).

The rash is a nasty bugger, and she is having a hard time of it, but again is a real trooper.  We visited Rebecca yesterday for our first true outing to cheer her softball team on with homemade cupcakes.  Morgan was distracted by a cute 9 month old puppy named Jagger…the team lost, but the cupcakes were a real winner.

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