Morgan Donato Camp Simcha
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Morgan Donato

My Blog

Bacteria the future…


The last few days have been even less than a picnic than previous weeks.  Morgans counts, as mentioned before, have gone to zero.  Not like the Magic Zero from her school play she missed last week.  Thank you to Teacher Carol for bringing the CD over for us to watch, and watch, and watch…thanks, really, uh huh, thanks.

With her counts being zero, she has become very susceptible to viruses and bacteria.  She has no shields to fight infection.  She unfortunately ended up with bacteria in her blood.  This can be very serious, and is why we stay in the hospital until her counts come back up to acceptable levels.  To help combat the low counts, Morgan gets a shot every night, that really stings and takes what control she tries to maintain each day away from her.  It is not an easy process, but as I have stated before, necessary.

Today, however, seemed to be a great day for Morgan.  Thanks to Grammy, Pop, Dar, Amy, Will, Sydney and Abby for stopping to play.  Morgan had playmates from 4p to 9pm.  She had the nerve to say at 9:01p when everyone had left, now what was I going to do with her!  I mean 5 hours of play and 1 hour in the playroom – O M G!

So, today Morgan was back, and the bacteria is being treated.  We are trying really hard to patiently wait for her counts to come back up so we can go home. It is currently 10:45p and Morgan is asking to eat – which she has not done for 2 days, so off I go to heat up some soup!

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