Morgan Donato Camp Simcha
Morgan Donato Gene Donato
Morgan Donato
Morgan Donato Ame Goldman
Morgan Donato and Harley
Morgan Donato

My Blog

9 days…or less!


Reports from the medical staff of “Team Morgan” let us know that all of her abnormal pre-B cells are no longer in the blood floating around in her body.  What this means is that she has less pre-B cells, or Blasts, inside her bone marrow.  This is what we have been waiting to happen.  As soon as she shows signs of an upward climb in the ANC to 200 and above, we are out of here.

Once we leave the hospital, we will be coming back once a week for chemo treatments rid her of the rest of the abnormal cells within her bone marrow.  Her immune system will be at risk, which is why the hospital will be taking counts of her cells each week to monitor her success and potential failures.  Sometimes we may have to stay in the hospital if her counts are not “solid.”  Hopefully, that won’t happen often.

Morgan’s hair has begun to thin, and some hair did fall out yesterday.  She seems in a little better spirits regarding the loss.  Tr. Amy dropped off the coolest hat for her to wear.  When I put it on my head, Morgan said “You’re wearing it wrong, it goes on sideways!”  It also helped when Rachel S. stopped by and picked out a hat and put it on with Morgan, she felt less “alone.”  So, thanks Tr. Amy, Rachel and Naomi for stopping today and yesterday, and all the e-mails we received this week via this blog with well wishes and thoughts.

Happy Holidays!

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