Morgan Donato Camp Simcha
Morgan Donato Gene Donato
Morgan Donato
Morgan Donato Ame Goldman
Morgan Donato and Harley
Morgan Donato

My Blog

Hurry up and wait…


Sorry I haven’t typed in a while.  Morgan started back to school this week.  It is amazing to see her at school with her friends.  It really does bring her spirits up and I think makes her stronger.

Ms. Stein at Friends Select told me yesterday that she observed a few first graders in the hall who noticed Morgan.  They asked Morgan what had happened to her hair, to which she replied: “I have cancer, this is what happens when you get chemotherapy”. Matter of a fact, to the point, OK, she’s me – whatever.  Anyway, I asked her how she felt about their question, she said that she didn’t really like that they were looking at her, but she really didn’t think more about it.

She keeps asking when she is going to be in the hospital for her bone marrow transplant.  It is a question that many of you ask.  The answer – I am not sure.  We hope that we find a match sooner rather than later.  In a perfect world – I wouldn’t be typing this blog at all, because this would not have happened – we will be going in sometime end of April/May.  Morgan is upset that she might miss the summer and the beach.  We were told no vacations this summer.  Day trips only.  I am hoping that August will be full of day trips to the beach.

We go in Thursday for our counts.  As long as we are fever free we should be back in school on the same day.  In the meantime, I am back to packing up the house to get ready for our move this week into our new digs!  Cancer – a big fat bummer, Packing/moving – actually a close second.

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