Morgan Donato Camp Simcha
Morgan Donato Gene Donato
Morgan Donato
Morgan Donato Ame Goldman
Morgan Donato and Harley
Morgan Donato

My Blog

18 days



So today I learned all about Morgan’s “counts.”  We measure Morgan’s progress by 4 factors: White Blood Cells, Hemoglobin (red blood cells), Platelets, and Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC).  When Morgan’s ANC gets below 300 she becomes more at risk for infection and fever.  This is when visiting becomes more of a  question. 

Morgan LOVES when all her friends visit, but we need to be very careful of her immune system over the next 6 – 9 months.  While she is in the hospital, please call before you come, and ask what her ANC is.  If it is below 300, please make sure that everyone is “healthy.”  Today her ANC is 78, but we still had a fantastic Dinner with Dasha, Polley and their parents – burp! It was yummy!

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